Easy-Vac Recovery Unit
Work site clean up of spent abrasive and waste is easily accomplished with the Easy-Vac vacuum recovery system. As the unit is fully air driven no electric power is required. This is particularly useful on work sites where sources of potential explosion ignition must be eliminated such as oil refineries, oil and gas storage depots etc.

The Quickblast is a convenient, clean, economical and safe recirculating abrasive blaster used to remove surface impurities without affecting the base material. The Quickblast removes rust, old paint, grime and oxides from metal quickly, thoroughly and safely. The Quickblast is simple to operate and ideal for working in tight spots, irregular areas and on virtually any surface.

Not sure which is the right abrasive for the job?

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need a recommendation of which Abrasive Recovery to use. We're always happy to help.